The Seasons

Posted in The Runic Tarot

The minor cards are divided into the four suits of the seasons representing the rhythm of the sun's path through a year. In a reading they will refer less to the personality and more specifically to the progressing of events and possibilities in the life of the questioner. Where and when they occur we must look for outside events that have influence on the possible outcome.
Each of the minor cards has a meaning derived from the cycle of the earth's Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.

Imbolc or Spring Cards refer symbolically to the beginning of young life and will reflect in this way on their position in the reading. They will show the start of situations and how they maintain their growth or indeed fall by the wayside and fail. Spring is an action time with plenty going on but in all the hustle and bustle will only show potential and not the resolving of a situation.


Beltane or Summer Cards show the year's flowering, just as young animal life establishes itself and asserts its presence and plants give us the pleasure of their blossoms, so the questions that we ask resolve themselves with bright and optimistic outcomes. Summer puts the best on show and reveals the tangible outcome of any previous good husbandry. The May June and July cards give strong and definite answers.

Lughnasadh or Autumn Cards represent the harvest time of the year. After the blossoms the plants bear their fruits. These cards are reflected in a reading as the outcome of the question. The climax of the yearly cycle and the precious bounty is here to be enjoyed and also becomes the seeds and root plants for the future. August, September and October cards usually denote happy events and positive answers depending on the nature of the question.

Shamhain or Winter Cards reveal a period when things, which have had their time, die off to be replaced in the next cycle. It is a time for rest and a time for patient waiting. In a reading it will always signify stagnation, impasse or simply a need to sit back and let things take their own tempo. Although it is a season for little movement it does not necessarily imply hibernation for there is much to be done in preparation for the coming year and the next Spring.