BOOK 1988

Card of the month
The Trickster has a lot to do with the sound of the name.
Trickster suggests ability and versatility but it also
indicates someone not being totally honest about things.
The conjuror setting out to deceive with his brilliant
skills for the very best of reasons, entertainment and
appreciation. Look at the card and you’ll see an
extremely confident male figure in a blood red costume
full of vitality and feistiness, juggling with the elemental
symbols. He wears a yellow mask that signifies acute awareness,
adaptability and an eye for opportunity. This is the part
of you that is the young conceited male that hasn’t
yet done anything but thinks he knows everything. It is
the part of you that has a full blooded desire for getting
on and doing something – searching for an opportunity
to express yourself – even a strong impulse to show
off and let the world know how clever you are. This may
be because you feel you have been unnoticed for far too
long and are not getting the appreciation you deserve
and so on. The selection of this card shows that you are
not letting this situation get you down in the dumps,
quite the reverse in fact you now have got your hackles
up and are setting yourself up to be noticed. Whatever
you’re planning or putting yourself up to do you
haven’t done it before and you aren’t certain
how you’ll cope. You KNOW that you can do it –
of course you can - you’re selling all the confidence
in the world but you don’t REALLY and truthfully
know whether you’re going to make it or not. Nothing
wrong with confidence but you will have to work hard to
get it right. The TRICKSTER in a reading indicates that
someone has already noticed your potential.